CSO Meeting

On April 12th, the Northeast Florida Chief Science Officer (CSO) community convened for a significant event, starting with the Northeast Florida Chief Science Officer Cabinet Meeting. The morning began with discussions and strategic planning aimed at advancing STEM education across the region. Following the conclusion of the cabinet meeting, excitement built for the main event: the First Annual CSO Awards Luncheon.

This Awards Luncheon stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts of the QIR CSOs, who spearheaded this initiative. Notable figures from the STEM2Hub Board were in attendance, underscoring the significance of this event. Superintendent Rick Surrency delivered a brief but impactful address during the event. His words resonated with the students, providing encouragement and inspiration as they navigate their STEM education journey.

At its core, the CSO Awards Ceremony served as a platform to honor the dedication and remarkable achievements of our Chief Science Officers. Moreover, it provided a well-deserved spotlight on the exceptional STEM initiatives undertaken throughout the 2023-2024 school year.

This event not only celebrated past accomplishments but also ignited a collective passion for innovation and scientific exploration, setting the stage for even greater strides in the future.
